Soil enrichment

Soil enrichment

Improves darker leaves for photosynthesis

Increases root mass and foliage growth

Flavor enhancer for final agricultural products

Organic biological fertilizer

Organic biological fertilizer

It improves the taste, color and consistency of the fruit

Increases soil microbial weight

Increases product performance

Natural growth enhancer

Natural growth enhancer

Increases microbial activity

Increases the availability and absorption of nutrients

It improves the quality of the fruit and increases the sugar content

wood vinegar

Also called liquid smoke and pyrrolinic acid

The best choice

Wood vinegar improves root absorption and enables plants to absorb nutrients more effectively and efficiently.

Wood vinegar also enhances the flavor and aroma of plants as well as the yield of the crop.


Amazing effects

For example, an Iranian farmer observed that lettuce treated with wood vinegar grew 34 percent faster than a plant treated with water.

He found that wood vinegar made plants healthier and denser.


Correct use is the key

Note: We do not guarantee similar results using similar products!


Our team represents the best quality assurance

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Shima Khayati Responsible for packaging
Mohammad Reza Hasir Baf Purchasing Manager
Mohammad Ali Hasir Baf Technical Assistant
Hadi Nokarizi Sales Manager
Ahmad Hasir Baf CEO

Shahkar Tabiat Articles

Shahkar Tabiat Trading Company , the leader in Iran’s agricultural industry , is the producer and distributor of chemical products.
wood vinegar

wood vinegar

Introduction: Wood is the oldest building material and a renewable resource that can meet human needs in producing fire. It is worth mentioning that according to global food and agriculture statistics, half of the ...